Tuesday, May 3, 2022

The Marvellers (MG)

For many years the Marvellers only came from the sky cities but this year is the first that the school will admit conjurers, although only one accepted the offer and that was Ella Durand but right from the start she is met with mean discriminating classmates.  But soon Ella becomes friends with her new room mate and a nice boy that was to show Ella around but they have secrets of their own.  But when their favorite teacher goes missing the trio won't stop at anything to find him even being kicked out of school.

This book was really good, Ella never gives up when she knows she is right she will stop at nothing to prove it, despite all the road locks thrown her way and there are many.  I think most of us would like to be that brave, and it is refreshing to see a girl accomplish all Ella does.  I hope we can follow Ella and her friends all through school and beyond.

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