Sunday, October 16, 2016

Treason (YA AUDIO)

Kara and Braedan must face truths both won't like, the Vagabond and Grimoire will help with what they can but each must find their own way and the truth within themselves.  They might find that to survive they must become the part of themselves they least want to be .
I wasn't sure how the last book could be topped , but this one picked up right where the last one left off  and the action and suspense didn't waver.  I went with the audiobook version narrated by Kara Kavocich Stewart who just brings Ourea and all of it's people to life.  I am so thankful for awesome narrators like her for many different reasons but mostly for bringing great books to life for me on days I am not able to read.  Her talent makes those days much more tolerable.


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