Thursday, October 17, 2019

Zombie Oasis: Still Alive, Book 4 (ADULT AUDIO)

This is a building book, it builds the characters, adds some new ones, builds some of the story parts the writer hasn't been able to tell  you before, so it might not be like the other books but still very important and yes it still has some very funny parts.  One of the new characters you will meet is Mo's cousin Benji, a Naval flight officer (NFO), and his crew who have been out looking for survivors across the southeastern US.  But now that the crew of the Viva Ancora are getting ready to go down river to look for this doctor that is said to  have a cure for the peevies, Benji and his eye in the sky will be more helpful than ever.
This was another great book/audio by Bonds who can turn the littlest thing into big bad Mo killing, peevie pooping thing, that will have you laughing so hard that you won't be able to go to sleep, so best not to read these books at night.  If you have the audio than its even better because you can hear Mo complain about it all in a Mo voice that narrator S W Salzman does so well  along with all the other characters.  It is so worth it! Bond and Salzman are a awesome team and I hope they are together for many many more.

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